Are you surprised? Probably not as surprised as I was when I got a package from
Giant Robot. I was in the post-it show a while back held there but months had gone by and I had thought my post-its might have just gotten misplaced or thrown out (I was a late entry.)
So here's some of the post-its that I got in the show!
You might recognize those top four from this
blog entry. I like these guys so much I wanted to put them out there. Those bottom two were two other characters of different stories I couldn't resist drawing for the chance. It was humbling seeing my art on the wall with great and famous artists of different mediums some alot of which I didn't even know.
And because I knew it might be cool to give the audience something they might recognize I made these post its based on the Rupees from the Legend of Zelda series.
I had made five; green, red, blue, gold and silver. Each with a little tag line expressing how valuable they were in game. One person bought the Silver rupee post-it (it said "Aw yeah") on opening night and that blew me away. Strangely though the green rupee post-it wasn't in the mail. I remember it said "Neat."
Now that I think of it though, I had gotten paid for more than I expected so I guess someone bought the green one before the show came down!
If anyone wants to buy these go ahead and e-mail me at the address in my blogger profile. I'll sell them even cheaper than if you had bought them at the giant robot show!
Lastly I want to say a huge thanks to the talented
Mark Todd and his equally talented wife
Esther Pearl Watson who made the entire show happen. Thanks!